Chapter meeting and Holiday Party 2024
Chapter meeting and Holiday Party on Sunday, December 15, 2024 at Atlantic Aviation FBO (KANE). Our Chapter awards went to Brenda Hanson for the most 99s activities attended in 2024, and to Ellen Quist for the most MN airports landed at in 2024. Congratulations!

TREE OF HOPE: Saturday, Dec 7, 2024 at Atlantic Aviation FBO (KANE)

Congratulations Victoria Delshire!
Congratulations to Victoria Delshire on passing your Commercial checkride in December 2024!

Congratulations Kim Marcell!
Kim Marcell completed her Instrument check ride in December 2024! Congratulations Kim!

Congratulations Vanessa Sampson!
Congratulations to Vanessa Sampson who earned her CFI in November 2024!

Congratulations Mary Baumgart
Congratulations Mary Baumgart on passing her written test for her Private Pilot in November 2024!

Congratulations Julie Mohamed!
Congratulations to Julie Mohamed on earning her Commercial Multi Engine in October!

Fall North Central Sectional Meeting “Fall for MN” September 13-15, 2024

Flying the C-130 Sim at the Air Force Guard Base at MSP in August

Congratulations Caroline Seurer!
Congratulations to Caroline Seurer on earning her Private Pilot license in August!

Congratulations to Evelyn Canfield
Congratulations to Evelyn Canfield on passing her Multi Engine Commercial checkride in July!

Congratulations Victoria Delshire!
Congratulating to Victoria Delshire on earning her Instrument rating on May!

Congratulations Caroline Seurer!
Congratulations go out to Caroline Seurer for passing her PPL written and first solo!
Congratulations Brenda Hanson!
Congratulations Brenda! In May 2024 Brenda Hanson earning her CFI (Certificated Flight Instructor)!

Congratulations Zohra Amiri!
Congratulations Zohra Amiri for earning her Private Pilot certificate on May 4! Zohra was awarded the AE First Wings Scholarship last fall for use for her Private Pilot training.

Congratulating Erin Siemienas!
Congratulating to Erin Siemienas on your Private Pilot! Erin passed her Private Pilot checkride on April 24 and has been training at Inflight Flight School at Flying Cloud.

Congratulations Sophie Bowman!
Congratulations to Sophie Bowman for being awarded the Fellowship of Aviation “Randy Sohn Family Memorial Scholarship” at the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Banquet on Saturday, April 20, 2024.

Congratulations to Susan Bailey-Schmidt for being awarded the 2024 prestigious Delta Leather Helmet Award for safety!
The Leather Helmet Award is the highest award the Delta Air Line Pilot Association gives for their contribution to Air Safety. This year it was presented to Susan Bailey-Schmidt. This award recognizes more than two decades of Susan’s dedication as a volunteer for the SMS and Human Factors subcommittees, the Threat Review Team, and one of the longest-serving Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) as an Event Review Committee (ERC) members. She also serves our line pilots in Flight Standards as a Lead Line Validation Pilot for the last 14 years on the A330 and A320 series aircraft.
Congratulations Heather McNevin!
Congratulations goes to Heather McNevin! She was awarded the Giving
Wings to Aviation scholarship at the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Banquet on April 20 and will use this scholarship to complete her doctorate studies in aviation. Heather is an air traffic controller at the Minneapolis Center Control in Farmington, MN and an accomplished pilot and CFI, CFII, MEI.

Touring Mankato!

We had over 20 attend the tour of the Mankato Airport KMKT on Sunday April 21, 2024.
Congratulations to Evelyn Canfield!
Evelyn passed her Commercial checkride in April!

Congratulations Zohra Amiri!
Congratulation Zohra Amiri for completing your long solo cross country this March!

Congratulations to Emma Gaustad!
Emma Gaustad passed her Instrument checkride this on March 12!

Congratulations Victoria Delshire!
Congratulations Victoria Delshire for passing your Private Pilot test in March. Victoria flies out of Lake Elmo airport at Lake Elmo Aero.

Congratulations Erin Siemienas!
Congratulations Erin Siemienas on your first solo on March 6, 2024 in a Cessna 152 at Flying Cloud Airport!

Flight Expo’s Build a Plane Tour!
About a dozen MN 99s went on a tour of Flight Expo’s Build in Princeton on February 24. We got to sit in the S2, learned about the history of Flight Expo and Build a Plane, plus we got to talk to the kids involved in the program, and we had a chance to rivet and drill.

Congratulating Brenda Hanson!
Congratulations to Brenda for earning her Commercial Pilot license in December 2023!

Minnesota 99s Business Meeting and Holiday Party 2023
Minnesota 99s Business Meeting and Holiday Party 2023 held on December 9, 2023 at the Blaine (KANE) Airport.

Tree of Hope 2023

Congratulations Zohrah Amiri!
Congratulations to Zohrah Amiri who has won our First Wings Scholarship! She flies a Cessna 150 and has flown her first solo in November 2023!

Congratulations Carmen Kivisto!
Congratulation to Carmen Kivisto for passing her C-130 checkride!

Congratulations Zoe Finn!
Congratulations to Zoe Finn for passing her Commercial checkride!

Congratulations Becky Juarez!
Congratulations again to Becky Juarez! She now has her CFII (Flight Instructor Instrument)!

Congratulations Becky Juarez!
Becky Juarez has been working so hard over the last couple years and has now earned her CFI certificate! Congratulations, Becky! We are so proud of you!

Congratulations Becky Juarez!
Becky got her seaplane rating on August 13!

Congratulations Cheryl and Minnetta!
Cheryl Daml and Minnetta Gardinier (Team – MN-IA Maniacs) finished the Air Race Classic! They flew over 2,500+ miles over four days – from Grand Forks, North Dakota to Florida.
Congratulations Patti on the 2023 Governor’s Service Award!
Our very own Patti Sandusky has won the 2023 Governor’s Service Award! This is a very high honor and Patti is well deserving of it.
A brief and partial summary of all that Patti has done for our Chapter: Patti has been a 99 since 1999 and has served as Chapter Vice Chair, Chapter Chair, Membership Chair, and Scholarship Chair. She created and implemented our Chapter Scholarship. She has also served at the Section level as Secretary and Director, and now Nominating Committee.
Please join us in congratulating Patti. She has tirelessly and enthusiastically served her sister 99s for over two decades.
Florence Klingensmith Field
The Moorhead Municipal Airport is also now known as Florence Klingensmith Field, in recognition of the pioneer aviator born in 1904 in Oakport Township and raised in Moorhead who was famous for her stunts and air races against male pilots.
Klingensmith, whose maiden name was Gunderson, started her aviation career after watching Charles Lindbergh land at Hector Air Field in Fargo in 1927. In 1928, she experienced her first skydive and by 1929 had become the first licensed female pilot in North Dakota.
She was also a charter member of The Ninety-Nines, an international organization of women pilots who promoted the advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support.
Brainerd Compass Rose May 2023

Commemorative Air Force tour – 2023

Airmarking 2023

Air Derby June 14, 2021